What to Wear in Alaska in June (2022 Guide)

When it comes to what to wear in Alaska in June, there are a few things to keep in mind. When you visit Alaska in June, the weather is warm and sunny, with temperatures ranging from the high 30s to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In this article, we’ll tell you all you need to know to have a great time in Alaska in June.

What’s Alaska Like in June?

Alaska in June is a land of contrasts. The long days are filled with daylight hours that stretch into the early evening. The nights, on the other hand, are short and dark. The weather can be surprisingly warm during the day and cool at night.  

Late spring into early summer are the best times to visit Alaska because there is still plenty of snow on most mountains, but by late summer much of that has melted exposing colorful wildflowers and lush green forests below.

Tips for Warm Weather Travel

Warm weather travel can be enjoyable, but it can also be challenging. Make sure you’re prepared with these tips for warm weather travel in Alaska in June

1. Dress appropriately for the weather. In Alaska, it can be very hot and humid outside, so dress accordingly. Bring plenty of hydration and sunscreen, as well as a hat or sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun. 

2. Avoid long hikes when traveling in warm weather. The terrain is often hilly and strenuous, which can make hiking an unpleasant experience in the summer heat. Instead, explore nearby attractions or take shorter walks that will still give you a sense of accomplishment. 

3. Pack your patience along with your essentials. Weather conditions may change rapidly in warm weather, so be prepared to adapt quickly if necessary.

How To Stay Comfortable in Alaska in June

It can be hard to keep cool in Alaska during the hot summer months, but fortunately, there are plenty of things to do to stay entertained. Luckily, June is a relatively mild month, so you can enjoy the outdoors without having to bundle up too much. Here are some tips on how to beat the heat in June:

-Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and avoiding sugary drinks.

-Take advantage of outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and camping.

-Avoid getting sunburned by using sunscreen and wearing clothes that cover your skin.

-Try not to overheat indoors by staying in air-conditioned buildings or using fans.

What to Wear in Anchorage in June

June in Anchorage is a great time to be outdoors, with clear skies and warm temperatures. There are plenty of activities to keep you busy during the day, and at night there are plenty of places to enjoy the city’s many attractions.

In order to stay comfortable while enjoying all that Anchorage has to offer, here are some key tips for what to wear in June: 

1. Bring a good pair of walking shoes: The city is full of hills and valleys, so it’s important to have a good set of walking shoes if you want to be able to explore everything on your list. 

2. Dress for the weather: While it can get pretty warm during the day, evenings can be chilly so dress accordingly. And remember that windy days can make even summer clothes feel cold! 

3. Get to know your surroundings Anchorage is a nice size city, so it’s easy to get around without a car. But since the city is fairly flat, there are many hills and valleys throughout the city that can make walking difficult.

What to Wear in Fairbanks in June

Summer is on the horizon, which means that temperatures are going to start climbing and there are bound to be more events happening outside!

Whether you’re spending your days at the beach, hiking in the mountains, or enjoying a night out on the town, there are a few key pieces of clothing that you’ll want to pack for the Alaskan summer weather. Here are some tips on what to wear in Fairbanks in June:

1. Bring a light jacket or sweater if you’re planning on spending any time outdoors. Even during the day, temperatures can drop quickly and it can be chilly outside!

2. If you plan on staying inside most of the day, a tank top and shorts will work just fine. There’s no need to break out the heavy coats when it usually only gets cool at night!

3. We recommend wearing long pants and a long sleeve shirt for the summer months. Short-sleeved shirts can get very hot, while breezy shorts are not recommended.

4. Hats are very important in Fairbanks!

What to Wear Fishing in Alaska In June

June is the perfect time to head out on a fishing trip in Alaska! With the temperatures reaching into the 80s, there’s no better time to be outdoors and enjoy some quality time with friends.

Here are a few tips on what to wear when fishing in June in Alaska: 

1. Dress in layers so that you can adjust your clothing as needed throughout the day. Even though it may be hot outside, the weather can change quickly up in Alaska! 

2. Bring sunscreen and insect repellent with you, as both of these will be essential for keeping yourself protected from the sun and mosquitoes, respectively. 

3. Wear comfortable shoes that you can walk around in all day long. Don’t forget your hat or sunglasses too – they’ll definitely come in handy while out on the water! 

4. You’ll want to bring along some water and snacks in a cooler. You don’t want to get caught on the way back home without something to eat or drink! 5. Lastly, you’ll want to make sure that you have plenty of fishing tackle with you.

Planning Your Trip to Alaska In June

Planning a trip to Alaska in June can be daunting. The weather can be hot and humid, the mosquitoes are pesky, and the landscape is stunning but largely unspoiled. If you’re looking for tips on what to wear in Alaska in June, keep reading! 

Pack light. You’ll definitely need some clothes for warm days (Alaska has surprisingly cool nights), but packing too much will only weigh you down and make it harder to take advantage of the scenery.

In addition to your regular wardrobe, bring a lightweight raincoat or an umbrella if you think the weather might turn nasty. Pack sunscreen, hats, sunglasses…and some insect repellent of course! And don’t forget your phone charger!


If you are headed to Alaska in the month of June, you’ll want to pack plenty of layers. Be sure to pack a warm hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen, as well as sturdy shoes and clothing that can withstand the cold weather.

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